Monday, March 27, 2017

Nendran Banana Jam

Again I m here with a leftover rcp..U can say this as a preserve as well..A jam made with leftover overripen nendran banana(Kerala banana)...A healthy accompaniment for ur little ones for breads, buns etc..Even adults can enjoy it!

Nendran Banana, also called Kerala Banana is the one which is a very good weight gainer for kids. I hav been feeding it for my kid since her 9-10 months, and could definitely see a healthy weight gain in her. Anyways, do consult with your paed before introducing any new food to ur kid.
To see more recipes with Nendran banana, click here:
Malabar Kaipola 

Preparation Time: 2 mins
Cooking Time: <20 mins
Serves: 1 bowl
Over ripen Nendran Banana - 2 
Sugar - 10 tbsp or as req.
Ginger - 1 big piece
Lemon - 1

1. First, mash the banana. In a nonstick kadai, add the mashed banana and sugar together. Keep on stirring gently.

2. When the sugar begins to froth, add the grated ginger and again start stirring.

3. After a few mins, add the lemon juice and saute until you get a gooey consistency.

4. Remove from flame and allow to cool at room temperature. Store in an airtight container or sterilised bottle in a refrigerator. DONE!!

Your finger licking nendran banana jam is ready to be served!!

1. Make sure to keep the flame in simmer throughout the entire process.
2. This stays good for a few weeks when stored in a refrigerator.
3. Don't wait for the mix to leave all the moisture before switching off the stove. When still little liquid and gooey consistency is there, you can remove. Because, as time goes, the jam will become thicker. 
4. You can use other bananas too with the same recipe. In that case, don't use more sugar as mentioned, since other bananas are not that hard like nendran banana and your jam will be more watery consistency in nature.

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