Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mutta Surka

Mutta surka is a popular tea time snack in Kanyakumari district..It is a kuzhipaniyaram variety. Usually we make this with rice flour. I have made a small difference in this rcp by making it with left over rice roti(we call it as oratti) dough..Tasted great with a cup of tea!!

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 5 mins
Serves: 7 no's
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]          
Rice Roti dough(see note) - 1 handful
Egg - 1
Onion - 1
Green chilli - 1
Curry leaves - 1 sprig
Grated coconut - 1 tbsp
Salt - as req.
Water - as req.
Oil - for frying

1. In a blender, add the dough, egg, little water, and blend well. You will get a batter with medium thickness.

2. Pour the batter to a bowl. Add the grated coconut, finely chopped onion, chilli and curry leaves to the batter. Adjust salt carefully, since the dough already contains salt. Mix the batter very well.

3. Heat a kuzhipaniyaram pan, fill each mould with oil on only half of its portion. When the oil is heated, pour a ladle of batter in each mould and fry both sides till golden.

Your yummy mutta surka is ready to be served with hot chai!!

1. To make rice roti, first, heat water, add grated coconut, salt and boil. Add puttu rice flour little by little and mix well so that no lumps are formed. Switch off the stove. This is RICE ROTI DOUGH. Then form balls, flatten with a roti press and cook on both sides.

2. To make mutta surka with fresh batter, first, in a bowl, add some water to the rice flour to make a thick paste. Blend this paste, egg, little grated coconut, and water if required, in a blender. Follow the remaining steps 2 and 3 of this recipe.

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