Sunday, March 26, 2017

Creamy Tomato Soup

Bored of watery soups? Try this kind of creamy soup once in a while..It is mainly based on coconut and ground cooked veggies. An apt soup for winters..I made this for a fb cooking competition and got good comments from viewers..So thought of sharing it here..

Preparation Time: 5 mins + soaking time
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Serves: 4 persons
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]   
Tomato - 4
Green Peas(soaked for 6 hrs) - 1/2 cup
Cabbage - 1/4 cup
Carrot - 1
Coconut - 3 tbsp
Garam masala - 1.5 tsp
Lemon juice - a few drops
Coriander leaves - a few
Sugar - 1 tsp
Salt - as req.
Water - as req.
Wheat bread - 1(for garnishing)

1. Pressure cook the veggies and green peas with little water for 5 whistles. Cool and blend them to a thick purée. Remove and set aside.


2. Extract the coconut milk from grated coconut using blender. Set aside.

3. In a kadai, pour the veg purée, the coconut milk, 1.5 to 2 cups of water or even more as per required thickness, all one by one and mix well. Simmer the flame after adding coconut milk, since the coconut milk should not be boiled, but just be heated.

4. Add the sugar, garam masala, pepper, salt, all one by one and mix well in between.

5. Now add the lemon juice and sprinkle coriander leaves along with the stem. Switch off the stove.

6. Shallow fry the bread pieces in a pan with/without ghee. Garnish the soup with those just before serving. 

Your hot tasty creamy tomato soup is ready to be served!!

1. If you are using frozen peas from groceries, no need to soak them. You can use directly.
2. Adjust ingredients as per your taste.

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