Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Prunes Laddu

Hi frnz..Well, this week I m here with a set of 3 Laddu recipes for Diwali..So the first recipe is PRUNES LADDU..Prunes are nothing but dried plums..It is rich in fiber, vitamins n minerals..One of the best dryfruits which u can feed for ur kids especially while they suffer from constipation..Just like any other dryfruit, it has a nice little tangy taste n suitable for making a variety of recipes..With the recent pack we bought, I thought of posting a quick No cook Laddu recipe n it was a hit..A healthy option for ur kids' snack box too..Come on, let's make it..



Preparation Time: 5 mins

Cooking Time: Nil

Serves: 9 Laddus


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]


Roasted Gram (Pottukadalai) - 1/2 cup

Cardamom - 3

Jaggery - 1/4 cup

Pitted Prunes - 8 to 12

Homemade Coconut Flour - 1/4 cup or more for rolling (Click here for recipe)

Ghee - for greasing hands




1. Grind the roasted gram and cardamom to a fine powder. Add jaggery and again grind well to form a powder.

2. Add the prunes and grind well to form a smooth dough.

3. Now, apply ghee in hands and form laddus. 

4. Roll in the coconut flour if necessary. You can have it plain too.

That's it!! 

Your super healthy Prunes Laddu is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!




1. Any dry fruits can be used instead of prunes.

2. Jaggery can be replaced with palm sugar/brown sugar.

3. Instead of coconut flour, you can use cocoa powder/brown sugar etc. for rolling.

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