Monday, March 27, 2017


PAANAKAM..A very refreshing, easy n tasty healthy drink..This tym I made this traditional drink with some leftover jaggery syrup..Soo good to hav it!

I hav drank paanakam from neighbours homes on occasions during my childhood. It was not a common drink in our homes before a couple of decades. Nowadays, you can see this easy to make drink in almost all food blogs n so as our homes. Who can resist this cooling drink!!

Preparation Time: <5 mins
Serves: 1 person
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]
Leftover Jaggery syrup - 1/3 cup
Water - 1/3 cup or as req.
Pepper - 4 to 8
Cardamom - 3
Dry ginger powder - 3/4 tsp
Lemon juice - 1.5 tsp
Pepper powder - if req.

1. Crush the pepper and cardamom seeds to a coarse powder.

2. In a bowl, add the jaggery syrup, water, crushed pepper cardamom powders, dry ginger powder, and lemon juice, everything one by one and mix well.

3. Add some pepper powder if you need more spicyness. I added only 4 peppercorns and hence added 1 tsp pepper powder too.

4. Refrigerate until serving so that the flavours are blended well. Just before serving, strain the mix and serve chilled.

Your cool n refreshing paanakam is ready to be served!!Njjoy!!

1. The jaggery syrup I used was made from 1/2 cup jaggery, 1/3 cup water, boiled until jaggery was dissolved, and then strained. You can use fresh syrup too.
2. You can also add some tulsi leaves/mint leaves for enhanced flavour.
3. You can even skip the straining as well as refrigeration, and serve as it is.
4. Adjust each and every ingredient as per your taste.

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