Sunday, March 12, 2017

Carrot Milk Shake

Glad to write the first post in my blog..One of the happiest moments in my lyf :) :) Having a blog in your name is a great feeling and I am looking forward to build this blog with nice collection of recipes in future dear frnz..:) :) Now moving on to the recipe..

Carrot is loved by many kids. I usually like it raw or when prepared as kootu. Now me too started liking this milkshake along with my kid.

My kid was not fond of veggies for a certain period of time. During those difficult times, I used to feed her veggies in the form of juices or milkshakes. She used to drink them n I get a relief that she is having some veggies. We cant make all veggies as juices or milkshakes. But carrot is one veggie which tastes great when served as milkshake. 

There are many versions of carrot milkshake. This version is very simple to make but tastes yummy. So I thought of sharing it for many moms here :)

Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: <5 mins
Serves: 3/4 cup
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]
Carrot - 1
Boiled warm milk - 3/4 cup
Honey - 1 tbsp(or as req.)

1. Peel the carrot, chop it, and blend it with 1/4 cup milk to get a thick puree.

2. Squeeze and strain the puree well. Mix it with the remaining milk. Then add honey.

Your yummy carrot milkshake is ready to be served for ur little ones!!

1. You can even boil the milkshake for a few mins if you dont like the raw smell. But I recommend the above way.
2. You can even serve it without straining like a smoothie.

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