Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Potato Stir Fry

POTATO..The name itself makes us hungry 😜..This rcp is the one which I make often as a side for rice on lazy days , ofcourse I do change the ingredients n qty of masala every time, but the taste is awesome always!!Great accompaniment for a simple lunch!!

Preparation Time: 2 mins
Cooking Time: 5+5 mins
Serves: 2-3 persons
Potato(pressurecooked&peeled) - 2(big)
Red chilli powder - 2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/3 tsp
Saunf powder - 1.5 tsp
Pepper powder - 3/4 tsp
Sambar powder - 1 tsp
Salt - as req.

To Temper:
Coconut oil - 2 to 3 tbsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Split Urad Dal - 1 tsp
Curry leaves - 1.5 sprigs

1. In a kadai, pour half of the oil, temper with the remaining 'to temper' ingredients one by one and allow them to splutter.

2. Next add the peeled and chopped pressure-cooked potatoes, saute for a second, add the salt and mix again for a second.

3. In simmer, add the masala powders one by one and mix carefully until well combined. Don't add water at any stage(Replace with oil instead, but be careful not to add too much).

4. Add the remaining oil, and saute well until the raw smell of masala completely goes and is merged well with the potato. DONE!!

Your super yummy potato stir fry is ready to be served with rice!!Njjoyyy!!

1. Pressure cook the potatoes until they are well cooked. I have used big potatoes and hence cooked for 10 whistles, and it was perfect. You may adjust according to your potato size and pressure cooker. Switch off the stove and set aside.

2. The cooking time is just under 5 mins apart from the pressure cooking time. So don't over stirfry.

3. Use a spoon without sharp edges for sauteing, so that the potatoes don't break.

4. You can even do the steps 4 and 5 in simmer, and do the step 3 atlast. Sometimes I do this way too. Both ways are equally good.

5. You can even do this recipe without boiling potatoes, use the same masala and deep fry. But boiling the potatoes enhances the taste and differs from the former. So do try this for a change.

6. Adjust ingredients as per your taste.

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