Monday, July 20, 2020

Apple Masala Cake

Hi frnz..Today's recipe is a delicious Masala Cake n that too with apples!! Masala Cake? Yes it is APPLE MASALA CAKE..Usually spices r not that common in cake recipes..Even I m making it for the first tym..But, trust me, u will really fall in love with this cake..And adding apples to the recipe gives an extra taste..Come on, let's do it frnz..

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 40 mins
Serves: 1 medium sized cake
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]
Dry ingredients:
Wheat flour - 1.25 cups
Brown sugar - 3/4 cup
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp

Wet ingredients:
Egg - 2
Boiled Milk - 1/4 cup (Warm/Room temperature)
Unsalted Butter(softened) - approx. 100 g + for greasing
Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
Apple - 1.5 or 2

For masala:
Cinnamon stick - 3 big sticks
Cardamom - 18
Cloves - 20
Pepper - 40
Coriander seeds - 3 tsp heaped

Other ingredients for Masala layer:
Cashews - 15 whole
Wheat flour - 2 tsp
Brown sugar - 2 tsp
Coconut oil - 2 to 3 tsp


For the cake batter:
1. In a bowl, mix the wheat flour, brown sugar, and baking soda.

2. In another bowl, mix the egg, unsalted butter, vanilla essence, and beat well. Use electric beater to get a perfect consistency. Add this to the flour mixture, and gently fold using the cut-and-fold method.

3. Add the milk little by little and again gently fold.

4. Next, peel the apples, and grind it coarsely in a blender, and add it to the cake batter. Now, the cake batter is ready.

For the Masala layer:
1. Now, in a pan, dry roast the 'For Masala' ingredients and grind into a fine powder using a dry blender. Remove it.

2.  Now, to the same blender, add the cashews and grind it into a slightly coarse powder. Remove it.

3. Next, in a bowl, mix 4 tsp of the prepared masala, wheat flour, brown sugar, and coconut oil. Mix very well without lumps. Now, the Masala layer is ready.

Cake preparation:
1. Grease the cake tin with butter, pour half of the cake batter, and spread it evenly.

2. Put half of the Masala layer on top of it evenly.

3. Pour the remaining batter on top, and finally top with the remaining Masala layer.

4. Preheat an aluminium idli pot with a stand inside for 10 mins in high flame. Click here to know how to bake in a pressure cooker.

5. Place the cake tin inside, bake in high flame for 2-5 mins, and in simmer for 25-30 mins.

6. Check if the cake is baked well or not using a toothpick. If it comes out clean, the cake is perfectly cooked. It took around 35 mins for me.

7. Remove the cake, and allow it to cool. Transfer it to a plate, cut and serve!! That's it!!

Your super delicious Apple Masala Cake is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. Make sure the butter and eggs are at room temperature.

2. Use electric beater/hand blender if possible for preparing cake batter.

3. You can add the spices and measurements as per your taste .

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