Monday, August 24, 2020

Wheat Rava Egg Dosa/Omelette

Hi frnz..After a little gap which I felt was much needed for me, here I m today with a kids special recipe..It's Wheat Rava Egg Dosa/Omelette..This recipe can be served for breakfast/mid mornings/evenings..It was crispy, soft, and tasted yummmm..We had it for breakfast today n everyone was lyk it was soo good..We had it without any side dish..Since ghee was used, it was more than enough to give the required taste..It can be called as Egg Dosa or an omelette if u use more eggs n less Rava..With no further delay, let's see how to make it..

Preparation Time: 10 + 30 mins
Cooking Time: 4 minutes / Dosa
Serves: 5-6 persons
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]
Broken wheat/Wheat Rava - 1.25 cups
Egg - 3
Onion - 1
Tomato - 2 small
Green chillies - 3
Coriander leaves - 1/4 cup
Wheat flour - 1/2 cup
Salt - as req.
Hot water - approx. 3/4 ltr
Gingelly oil - for greasing
Ghee - for roasting


1. In a vessel, add the broken wheat, salt, and hot water. Soak for 25-30 mins.

2. Add the eggs, finely chopped onion, tomato, green chillies, coriander leaves, wheat flour and mix well without lumps.

3. In an iron tawa, grease with gingelly oil, pour a few ladles of the batter and spread carefully. Top with a spoon of ghee, and cook it for a few minutes in medium flame.

4. Flip the Dosa, and cook for a minute. Transfer to a plate and serve hot. That's it!!

Your super tasty Wheat Rava Egg Dosa/Omelette is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. If you don't want to use eggs, replace them with thick curd.

2. Wheat flour can be replaced by besan flour/rice flour.

3. You can also add spices or masala powders to the recipe, but it's optional.

4. This can be served as it is. Still, you can serve with any side dish like Chutney, Sambar etc.

5. I made it more like a Egg Dosa version. If you want an omelette version, just reduce the amount of Rava and wheat flour.

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