Saturday, August 29, 2020

TRICOLOR Veg Mezhukkupuratti

Hi frnz..Onam festival of this year falls on coming Sunday..So thought of posting special recipe for it..It's TRICOLOR VEG MEZHUKKUPURATTI..We don't celebrate Onam in our home but it's a must occasion in schools, colleges etc of our district since u know I m from Kanyakumari, which is the border of Kerala..Many Keralites n Malayalam speaking Kanyakumarians r here so every year it's grandly celebrated..

I thought of making a few recipes earlier itself..But somehow managed to post atleast today..It's a simple stir fry recipe with veggies served on Onam Sadhya..Usually raw plantains, beans etc is used for the recipe..For a change, I have made with tricolor veggies..Honestly it tasted greatt..We had with Dosa n Ghee Roast Dosa n really it suited very well for Dosa too..So must try n let e know ur feedback frnz..

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 20-25 mins
Serves: 4 persons
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]
Ivy gourd / Tindora / Kovakkai - 5
Carrot -5 small sized
Cabbage - 1 handful
Coconut oil - 4 tbsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 big sprig
Dried red chillies - 2
Garlic - 15 small pods (fine chopped)
Onion - 1 (fine chopped)
Green chillies - 3 small (fine chopped)
Salt - as req.
Water - 1/4 cup


1. In a pan, pour oil, temper with mustard seeds, curry leaves, dried red chillies, and garlic.

2. Add onion, saute for a minute, and add green chillies.

3. Add the sliced Ivy gourd, saute a little, and cook for 7-10 mins in simmer closing with a lid and stirring often. This will reduce the bitterness of ivy gourd to a great extent.

4. Add the fine chopped carrot and chopped cabbage, saute a little, add salt, and close with the lid. Cook in simmer for 15 mins or until the veggies are almost cooked. Stir often in between.

5. Add 1/4 cup of water and cook for 5 more mins. Switch off the stove and serve. That's it!!

Your super tasty TRICOLOR VEG MEZHUKKUPURATTI is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. You can add any veggies of your choice.

2. You can also add masala powders like red chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder etc.

3. Coconut pieces too can be added at the end, but it gives a Poriyal like feel. So I skipped it.

4. Don't add water more than 1/4 cup. Else the veggies will become so soft.

5. Shallots can be used instead of onion.

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