Thursday, September 03, 2020

Chocolate Custard Malai Cake

Hi frnz..So today I m here with a delicious cake recipe..It's CHOCOLATE CUSTARD MALAI CAKE..Malai Cake has been recently trending for the past few months..I have added chocolate n custard flavours to the recipe which has made it even more tastier..Also the chocolate cake I have made for this recipe is my new experiment to which I have given little twists from the chocolate cakes I make usually..The cake was soft, moisty, yummy n more importantly it can be served as a dessert as well as a cake!! A 2 in 1 recipe which u must try for sure frnz..And let me know ur feedback after trying too..

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 1 hr
Serves: 8 medium sized pieces
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]
For cake:
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Desi eggs - 3 or 4
Brown sugar - little less than 1 cup
Ghee - 1/2 cup
Cocoa powder - 3 tsp
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
Boiled warm milk - 1/3 cup

For Malai:
Vanilla or any flavoured Custard powder - 3 tsp
Raw milk - 1/4 cup +1.5 cups
Brown sugar - 1/4 cup + 2 tsp
Almonds, Cashews - 1 handful each. finely chopped


For Cake:

1. In a bowl, add 3 eggs and beat very well until frothy. This step is very important.

2. Add brown sugar, ghee, and beat well.

3. Add cocoa powder, baking powder,vanilla essence, and beat again.

4. Add the wheat flour and mix very well slowly in one direction using cut and fold method. Don't over mix.

5. Add the boiled warm milk and again mix slowly to form a smooth batter. Pour the batter in a cake tin greased with ghee.

6. In an Idli Pot with a stand preheated already for 10 mins in high flame, place the cake tin and bake in simmer for 30-35 mins.

7. Insert with a toothpick and if it comes clean, remove the cake tin and allow the cake to cool.

For Malai:

8. Mix the custard powder in 1/4 cup of raw milk without lumps.

9. Boil the remaining milk in a vessel, keep the flame in simmer, and add the brown sugar.

10. Pour the custard mixture now and keep on stirring without lumps.

11. When the back side of the ladle gets coated with the mixture, add the almonds and cashews, and switch off the stove. Allow it to cool.

For Malai Cake:

12. Poke the whole cake with a fork so that the Malai gets absorbed by the cake.

13. Pour some Malai throughout the cake and garnish with some nuts and reserve some Malai and nuts for serving.

14. After 2 mins, cut the cake into pieces, and pour Malai and garnish with nuts on each piece. Serve immediately. That's it!!

Your super delicious Chocolate Custard Malai Cake is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. I have skipped baking soda and increased eggs and beated airy instead. If you are using baking soda, use 1/2 tsp and reduce an egg.

2. If you are skipping eggs, use curd and add baking soda too.

3. You can also add the Custard Malai to the cake batter before baking, but it can reduce the chocolate flavour. So I skipped it.

4. You can also bake in a pressure cooker/microwave/otg. Click here to know how bake in a pressure cooker.

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