Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Turkey Berry Beef Biriyani

Hi frnz..So here I m with a delicious perfect Biriyani recipe..It's TURKEY BERRY BEEF BIRIYANI..Turkey Berry is called as Sundakkai in Tamil..It is rich in health benefits, especially reducing the worms in children..Usually we make gravy or pickle recipes with it, ryt? How about making a Biriyani?? And that too with Beef?? May sound odd, but the fact is it will be a super combo..Try it once n u will thank me for the recipe..This recipe can be made with Sundakkai alone or Beef alone or with both as I made..Since sundakkai is a bit bitter, this would be a nice way to make ur kids eat it..With no more delay, let's see how to make it..

Preparation Time:15 mins + marination time
Cooking Time: 30 mins
Serves: 6-7 persons
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]
Seeraka Samba rice - 1.5 cups
Coconut oil - 4 tbsp
Pandan leaves - 6
Stone flower (Kalpasi) - 1
Onion - 1
Tomato - 1
Water - 1.5 cups
Ghee - 2 tbsp

To grind:
Cinnamon - 1 big piece
Ginger - 1 big piece
Cardamom - 4
Cloves - 4
Garlic - 12 small pods
Green chillies - 6
Mint leaves - 1/2 handful
Coriander leaves - 1 handful
Salt - as req.
Curd - 1/3 cup

To marinate:
Beef - 1/2 kg
Turkey Berry - 1.25 cups
Pepper powder - 1.5 tbsp
Coriander powder -2 tbsp
Saunf powder - 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder - 1/2 tsp
Homemade Garam masala - 2 tsp (Click here for recipe)


1. Grind the 'To grind' ingredients to a smooth paste.

2. Marinate the beef with the 'To marinate' ingredients along with the ground paste. Marinate for atleast 30 mins. I marinated for 2 hrs.

3. Separate the beef pieces from the turkey berries and transfer to a plate.

4. In a pressure cooker, pour oil, temper with chopped pandan leaves, and stone flower.

5. Add the onion, and saute until translucent. Add tomato and saute until mushy.

6. Add the beef pieces, 1.5 cups of water and cook for 21 whistles or until well cooked.

7. Separate the gravy and pieces and measure the stock. I got 1.5 cups.

8. To the same cooker, add the marinated turkey berries and saute for a few mins to remove the raw smell.

9. Add the cooked beef, gravy, and 1.5 cups of water. Add salt only if necessary.

10. Now, add the washed rice, mix and cook for 2 whistles in high flame. Immediately remove the cooker from the stove.

11. When the pressure is released, open the lid, and serve the Biriyani hot!!! That's it!!

Your super delicious Turkey Berry Beef Biriyani is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. You can use chicken/mutton/prawn etc. instead of beef.

2. Adjust the spiciness as per your taste.

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