Sunday, September 06, 2020

Walnut Spread

Hi frnz..So here I m with yet another easy recipe..WALNUT SPREAD..It takes jus under 5 mins to prepare..Can be used as a spread for bread sandwiches n even as a dip for almost all tiffins..Walnut is one weird smelling nut n it doesn't get over easily in our home..So I utilised a portion of it to make this delicious spread recipe..Ur little ones will like it for sure..With no further delay, let's see how to make it..

Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: Nil
Serves: 3 persons
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]
Walnut - 1 cup
Cocoa powder - 1 tsp
Brown sugar - 1/4 cup
Honey - 5 to 6 tsp
Small Banana - 2


1. In a blender, add the walnut and grind it well.

2. Add the cocoa powder, brown sugar, and again grind it.

3. Pour the honey and again grind.

4. Add chopped banana and grind it in high speed to a fine smooth paste taking gaps often. Serve immediately. That's it!!

Your super delicious Walnut Spread is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. While grinding, the nuts will release oil. That's completely ok.

2. You can also add chocolate instead of cocoa powder.

3. Since banana is used, it's better not to refrigerate n serve on the same day. Even if you refrigerate, use within a day.

4. You can freeze it and use whenever needed.

5. I used Matti Banana. You can use any variety of banana.

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