Friday, September 04, 2020

Dried Fig Poha Ladoo

Hi frnz..Today's recipe is a Kids special recipe..It's Dried Fig Poha Ladoo..Had some dried figs in the pantry for a few weeks..So thought of making a recipe to utilise the whole packet..And a no cook Ladoo is what I thought to prepare..And believe me, u need just under 10 mins to prepare it..And this is a healthy option if u r craving for some healthy sweet after meals or evening and midmorning snacks..Let's see how to make it..

Preparation Time: < 10 mins
Cooking Time: Nil
Serves: 13 ladoos
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]
Dried Figs - 200 gms (27 pieces)
Red Poha - 2 cups
Cashews - 40 (finely chopped)


1. Fine chop the dried figs and grind it well in a blender until sticky.

2. Add red poha and again grind well till both are well merged and becomes well sticky.

3. Fine chop the cashews and place in a plate. Transfer the ground mixture to the plate and mix well.

4. Form ladoos from the mixture. That's it!!

Your super healthy no cook Dried Fig Poha Ladoo is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!

1. You can add any dryfruits to the recipe.

2. Any nuts can be added.

3. Apply ghee to your hands before making ladoos if you need a ghee flavour.

4. Cashews can be roasted in ghee if needed.

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