Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Raw Banana Kachayam

Hi frnz..Well, what to say about today's post? Hmmm..It's a simple traditional snack with little experiment in the recipe..RAW BANANA KACHAYAM..Kachayam is one of the traditional sweet snack recipes of Tamil Nadu..Usually it is made with ripen banana, today I have tried it with raw banana and the recipe came out soo good..I have already tried the same recipe with potatoes for the Potato Recipes Contest in BetterButter Tamil App long back..I posted several recipes with potatoes for the contest n I m happy to share that I was the winner..This is one of the best recipes for quick snacks for kids, since u won't need much time apart from cooking the raw banana..So, try this n let me know ur feedback frnz..



Preparation Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 30 mins + 2-3 mins per batch

Serves: 20 balls approx.


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]


Wheat flour - 1/2 cups

Raw Banana - 2

Jaggery - 1/2 cup  

Grated coconut - 1 handful

Crushed cardamom - 3

Coconut oil/ any oil - for deep frying





1. Steam cook the banana with skin in an idli pot for 30 mins in medium flame. Allow to cool.

2. In a mixing bowl, peel and mash the raw banana very well without lumps. Add the wheat flour, jaggery, coconut, cardamom, and mix very well until a dough is formed. Don't add any water.

3. Make small balls from the dough and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown. Transfer to a plate and serve hot. That's it!!

Your super tasty Raw Banana Kachayam is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!



1. You can also add any chopped nuts or seeds to the dough. 

2. Raw banana can be replaced by ripen banana/dates/boiled potato/boiled sweet potato etc.

3. Dry ginger powder too can be added if desired.

4. Raw banana can be boiled instead of steaming, but make sure no water or moisture content is there in the raw banana while using in the dough. If the dough is sticky with water, it absorbs more oil while frying.

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