Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Custard Powder Laddu

Hi frnz..My next Laddu recipe is a quite different one. Of course it is very simple to make but tastes soo good and the texture is more or less like a Besan laddu and Maa Laddu since we have used a flour in this recipe..And the flour is nothing but Custard Powder! Yes, it is CUSTARD POWDER LADDU..Usually we make desserts and Halwa like sweets with custard powder, but laddu is really a must try recipe n my kid loved it a lot..Surprise ur family n frnz with this quick sweet..Let's see how to do it..



Preparation Time: 5 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins

Serves: 7-8 Laddus


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]


Custard Powder (I used pineapple flavor) - 100 g

Boiled Milk - 1/8 cup approx.

Cashews - 30 chopped

Cardamom -2

Brown Sugar - Little more than 1/2 cup

Ghee - 5 tsp + for greasing hands




1. In a pan, add 1 tsp ghee and roast the cashews until golden brown. Transfer them to a plate.

2. Mean while, grind the brown sugar and cardamom to a fine powder.

3. Now, to the same pan, add 2 more tsp ghee, custard powder and roast for 5 mins without burning until a nice aroma comes.

4. Add 2 more tsp ghee if required and roast again for 1 min. 

5. Now, add the powdered brown sugar and roast for 2 mins.

6. Add half of the boiled milk little by little and keep on roasting without lumps.

7. Finally, add the roasted cashews and roast for 5 seconds. Switch off the stove.

8. Add the remaining milk as required to form a smooth dough.

9. Now, apply ghee in hands and form laddus.That's it!! 

Your super healthy Custard Powder Laddu is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!



1. Any flavor of Custard powder can be used.

2. Any nuts can be used.

3. Keep the flame in simmer throughout the process.

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