Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Chocolate Chips Palkova

Hi frnz..So, here's my next Chocolate Chips recipe for Diwali..It is CHOCOLATE CHIPS PALKOVA!!!!..It's a little bit difficult to explain how it tasted greatt and OMG I have decided to make this yummmm recipe often from now on!! Palkova is everyone's favourite..It is one of the time consuming but delicious recipes and I have used the shortcut curdling technique which many people r implementing nowadays which definitely saves atleast 20 mins from the traditional method, but again I made a little twist by skipping lemon for curdling..The experiment was a real success and the sweetness was just perfect n amazing..My only regret was I made in a small quantity so we couldn't enjoy having it more :)..With no more delay, come on  let's make it..



Preparation Time: 2 mins

Cooking Time: 40-45 mins

Serves: 3-4 persons


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]


Milk - 500 ml

Chocolate chips - 2 tbsp

Almond - 10 sliced

Jaggery - 1/4 cup

Brown Sugar - 1/4 cup 

Cardamom - 3

Ghee - 2 tsp




1.In a pan, heat the milk and once the cream starts forming, cook in simmer for 15 mins stirring often and scraping the sides.

2. Now, add the brown sugar and keep on stirring for 2 mins.

3. Next, add the crushed jaggery and keep on stirring until it starts curdling.

4. Now, switch the flame between medium to high flame and cook until the curdled whey is reduced well.

5. When only a little whey is left, keep the flame in simmer and keep on stirring carefully.

6. Now, add the chocolate chips and stir until it is melted well. 

7. Add the crushed cardamom and stir for a minute.

8. Finally, add the ghee and cook for a minute. When the perfect semi-gravy consistency is reached, switch off the stove and immediately transfer to a plate greased with ghee.

9. Allow the mix to become warm or at room temperature. Top with sliced almonds. Slice or scoop and serve.That's it!! 

Your super tasty Rich Chocolate Chips Palkova is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!



1. Any nuts can be used instead of almonds.

2. If you are using white sugar instead of brown sugar and jaggery, curdle with lemon before and then add the white sugar.

3. You can also use jaggery alone and skip brown sugar, but jaggery's taste may dominate. So, better to use brown sugar too.

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