Sunday, February 07, 2021

Tapioca Vermicelli Balls

Hi frnz..Well, today's recipe is the one I made with Anil Vermicelli..And that too, with Sorghum Millet Vermicelli..We were tasting this variety of Anil Vermicelli for the first time, and it tasted good..Had some fresh tapioca in hands which I had to use the same day, so thought of making an evening snack of it with vermicelli..Actually we had it for early dinner, and it filled our tummy well..Kids will love it as an after-school snack..So, don't miss it dears..Let's see how to make it..



Preparation Time:  10 mins

Cooking Time:  30 mins

Serves:  13-15 balls approx.


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]


Anil Sorghum Millet Vermicelli  - 1 packet (Use any vermicelli)

Tapioca - 2 medium sized pieces

Crushed Jaggery - 3/4 cup  

Grated coconut - 2 handsful

Crushed cardamom - 3

Cashews - 30 to 40

Ghee - 3 tbsp

Water - 2 ltr approx.

Salt - as req.




1. Cut the tapioca into round pieces, and then peel them. Now, fine chop them and cook in approx. 1 ltr of water in medium flame for 30 mins or until well cooked. Strain and keep it aside.

2.To cook the vermicelli as per the packet instructions, soak the vermicelli in 1 ltr of water and salt for not more than 2 mins. Drain well and transfer to an idli plate greased with ghee. Set this aside for 5 mins. Then steam cook in medium flame for 8 mins. Remove the plate and allow to cool.

3. Now, in a vessel, add a tbsp of ghee, and roast the cashews. Transfer to a plate.

4. Then, add 2 more tbsp of ghee, and add the tapioca pieces. Carefully saute them in ghee for 1-2 mins without burning.

5. Next, add the cooked vermicelli and again carefully mix very well for 1-2 mins without burning.

6. Add the crushed cardamom, and mix well. Switch off the stove.

7. Add the grated coconut, jaggery, and roasted cashews. Mash the tapioca, and mix everything very well.

8. Form balls from the mixture. That's it!!

Your super tasty Tapioca Vermicelli Balls is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!



1. You can add any nuts of your choice.

2. Instead of grated coconut, you can add coconut pieces too.

3. You can try the same recipe with sweet potato, potato etc.

4. Any vermicelli can be used.

5. If you need a vermicelli coating, fry little vermicelli in ghee initially, and then use it for coating at last.

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