Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Ivygourd Chilli Mutton

Hi frnz..So, here I m with yet another dinner special recipe..It is Ivygourd Chilli Mutton..It is one of the healthiest versions of Chilli recipes, since I have used no sauce here except vinegar..The taste was really so good, n we had it with Coconut Milk Parotta, which is my next recipe..The dinner was so tasty with the combination..Ivygourd is one of the healthiest vegetables, but many won't eat it due to its bitterness..But whenever I cook any recipe with Ivygourd, it never tastes bitter..The trick is we need to saute the Ivygourd very well n add any tangy ingredient to the recipe..That's it..The similar technique I follow for bittergourd too..In this recipe, vinegar is the one sour ingredient which made the wonders..Very very simple recipe, but tastes great with all tiffins, especially parotta..So, with no further delay, let's see how to make it..



Preparation Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 30 mins

Serves: 7-8 persons


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=240 ml]


Mutton - 3/4 kg

Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

Salt - as required

Water - 1.5 cups or as required

Coconut oil - 3 tbsp

Garlic - 15 to 20 (I used 17) 

Onion - 2

Ivygourd - 25

Ginger - 2 small piece

Green chilli - 6

Red chilli powder - 1 tsp or as required

Chilli flakes - 1 tbsp

Vinegar - 1 tsp

Coriander leaves - 1 handful





1. In a pressure cooker, add the mutton, turmeric powder, salt, water, and cook for 8-12 whistles depending on the mutton's age. I cooked for 12 whistles.

2. In a kadai, pour the oil, add the fine chopped garlic and saute for a minute. Next, add the sliced onion and saute until golden brown.

3. Next, add the sliced ivygourd and mix well. Close with a lid, and cook in simmer for 20-25 mins or until well cooked. Saute whenever required to prevent burning.

4. Meanwhile, grind the ginger and green chilli without water to a coarse paste.

5. Open the cooker, and boil in high flame to reduce the water and only a little water is left. Switch off the stove.

6. When the ivy gourd is well cooked, add the ground paste, and saute until the raw smell goes. Next, add the mutton and its stock. 

7. Now, add the red chilli powder and mix well. Cook until very little water is left and a semigravy consistency is reached.

8. Add the chilli flakes and vinegar and mix well.

9. Finally, add the coriander leaves, mix and cook for a minute. Switch off the stove. That's it!!

Your super delicious Ivygourd Chilli Mutton is ready to be served!! Njjoy!!



1. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. But I highly recommend vinegar for better taste. Even apple cider vinegar can be used.

2. Coriander leaves can be replaced with spring onion.

3. Mutton can be replaced with any meat. Ivygourd can be replaced with any vegetable.

4. Adjust the spiciness as per your taste.

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