Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Instant CoconutMilk Parotta

Hi frnz..Today I m here with yet another tiffin recipe which is more suitable for dinner..It's INSTANT COCONUT MILK PAROTTA.. This is one of the easiest n healthiest versions of Parotta, since I have used no maida here, n no resting time is needed to make this..Whenever u want to make it, do it instantly..Sounds great right? And I have used coconut milk and oil here..U may think coconut oil is unhealthy..But I have used only the cold pressed ones which I use regularly for my cooking, and also coconut oil has good cholesterol which is not harmful..And the aroma will be absolutely pleasing n tempting..Plus it was very soft even the next day!! What else do we want right? Let's see how to make it..




Preparation Time: 40 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins

Serves: 10 parottas


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]


Coconut - 1/2 grated

Wheat flour - 2 cups

Salt - as required

Coconut oil - generously as mentioned




1. Grind the coconut with required water and extract the milk 4 times. Keep all the milk separately, especially the 1st and 2nd. I got 3/4 cup of 1st milk and a little less than 3/4 cup of 2nd milk.

2. In a mixing bowl, add the flour, salt, and little by little of 1st milk, and the 2nd milk little by little and knead very well to form a smoother dough than chapati dough. I used the 1st milk fully, n 1/4 cup of 2nd milk for the dough.

3.When the dough is ready, roll it in 2 or more tsp of coconut oil very well. You can use the dough immediately. I rested for just 10 mins.

4. Now, take a ball and roll it into thin chapati. 

5. Apply oil in a plate, and place the rolled chapati in the plate. Now, apply 1-2 tsp of oil on the top and spread it very well. 

6. Similarly, roll all the chapatis and apply 1-2 tsp of oil in each side and stack them on the plate.

7. Now, invert them to another plate to use them in orderly basis.

8. Now, take a big plate, invert it and apply little oil. Take a rolled chapati and place on the plate. Stretch as much as you can to get it thin and transparent. 

9. Use the methods shown in the video for rolling. Method 1 is done by making stripes and rolling. Method 2 uses pleats method. Method 3 uses a roughly rolling method which is the easiest among the 3.

10. After rolling all the parottas, slightly press all of them with your wrist. Be careful not to lose the layers.

11. Now, cook each parotta in an iron tawa in medium flame until golden brown. Each side takes 15-30 seconds to cook. Apply little oil on both sides while cooking.

12. After 4 or 5 parottas are cooked, stack them on to a plate and beat slightly in the 2 sides to expose the layers. That's it!!

Your super delicious Instant Coconutmilk Parotta is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!



1. If the dough is very sticky while kneading, add little flour too. I added 1 tsp of flour.

2. Never use the chapati stick in step 10 for rolling. Because if you press little hard, sometimes you may lose the layers.

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