Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Saucy Corn Rice

Hi frnz..Here's my next delicious lunchbox recipe with corn..It's Saucy Corn Rice recipe which is so creamy and hardly needs any side dish..Don't miss my previous rice recipe with corn..Both these recipes will be very helpful indeed when u badly wanted to try some chinese n italian rice recipes..So, with no further delay, let's see how to make it..

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 75 mins
Serves: 4-5 persons
INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]
Corn - 1
Onion - 1
Garlic - 15 small pods
Capsicum - 1
Ghee - 1 tbsp
For sauce: 
Coconut - 1 handful 
Cornflour - 2.5 tbsp
Pepper powder - 1 tbsp
Mixed herbs - 1+1 tsp (I used brown and salted)
Chilli flakes - 1.5 tsp
Oregano - 1 tbsp + 1 tsp
Ghee - 1 tbsp

For rice:
Basmati Rice - 1 cup
Salt - as req.
Mustard oil or any oil - 1 tsp
Water - 500 ml approx.

1. Boil the corn in high flame for 45-50 mins. Allow to cool. Peel the corn using a spoon. Keep it aside.
2. Grind the coconut with required water and extract the coconut milk 4 times. I got 1/2 cup in each time. Keep them aside. 

3. Boil water in a vessel. Add salt. Add the rice already soaked for 10 mins. Cook in high flame for 9-10 mins. Strain and spread in a plate.
4. In a vessel, add 1 tbsp ghee, temper with the finely chopped onion and saute for a few mins. Need not become golden brown.

5. Add the finely chopped garlic pods and saute a little.
6. Next, add the finely chopped capsicum, and again saute for a few mins. Add the peeled corn and mix slightly. Now, transfer the mixture to a plate.

For sauce:
7. In the same vessel, add 1 tbsp ghee, corn flour, and mix in simmer without burning. Add the 1/2 cup 4th coconut milk and keep on stirring without lumps. 
8. Next, add the 1/2 cup 3rd coconut milk, and 1/2 cup 2nd coconut milk and keep on stirring. 
9. Add little salt, chilli flakes, oregano, and 1 tsp of mixed herbs. Now, add the 1st coconut milk 1/2 cup and again keep on stirring.

10. Next, add the sauteed veggies and mix slightly. Finally, add the pepper powder and mix well. The white sauce is ready!! You can use it for any recipe which asks for white sauce.
11. Add the cooked rice and mix well carefully from the sides until it is evenly mixed. 
12. Finally add 1 more tsp each of mixed herbs and oregano. Mix well, close and serve after 5 mins. That's it!!
Your super delicious Saucy Corn Rice is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!

1. You can also peel the corn first and then steam or boil it. You can even use pressure cooker to save time.
2. For the sauce, butter can be used instead of ghee.
3. You can also use green mixed herbs which is unsalty.
4. Spring onions can be used for garnishing. I skipped it due to unavailability.
5. The same recipe can be used with any veggies or meat, or simply plain.

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