Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Fermented flour idli dosa


Hi all..Today I m here to share with u a very very useful recipe. It's EASY FERMENTED IDLI DOSA RECIPE WITH FLOUR..

Idli is one of the common breakfast recipes of Tamil Nadu, and loved by almost everyone..Smooth n soft yummy idlis will make ur tummy so happy..But, what about the making process?? Huhh..Every weekend, open the grinder, grind for a few hours, store the batter in large vessels, dump in the refrigerator, serve n eat the unhealthy refrigerated cooked batter, is it?? Hi fi..This is what me too have been doing so far before a couple of years..

But, believe me, I haven't used my grinder or fridge for more than 1.5 yrs for idli dosa batter!! Yes..Flour idlis serve as a very very good alternative for the batter idlis..The first reason for me to switch over to flour idlis is, the health consciousness..Keeping the batter in a refrigerator and cooking it for at least a week is completely unhealthy n it is sad that many of us were not aware of it n hence we followed it for several years..Since already I was reducing the refrigerator consumption step by step, I decided to stop grinding large amounts of batter..

The second reason is, of course grinding batter spoils my weekend..When u r working somewhere n u badly need a weekend to take rest n have some me-time n njoy with ur family, grinding the batter on sunday evening gives u more tension..So, for these 2 main reasons, I started trying flour idlis couple of years back n found it very very helpful for me..All you need to do is, just spend one day for making the essential flours n stay free for several months..

I make many varieties of flour idlis..And even you can experiment with ur creativity..I m just sharing one of the flour idli recipes here..So, with no more delay, let's see how to make it..



Preparation Time:   2 mins + at least 12 hrs

Cooking Time:  10 mins

Serves: 8 idlis approx.


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]


Raw rice flour - 1 cup

White urad dal flour - 1/4 cup (Click here for recipe)

Roasted Rock Salt - as required

Water - as required (I used little less than 1.5 cups)




1. In a vessel, add both the flours, salt, and add water little by little as required mixing in between.

2. When the perfect batter consistency is reached without lumps, close the vessel with a lid and allow to ferment for atleast 12 hrs.

3. The next day, slightly mix the fermented batter carefully.

4. Pour the batter in an Idli plate greased with ghee.

5. Now, steam cook the idlis in high flame for 6-8 mins.

6.Take the plates outside and sprinkle little water. Unmould after 2 mins.  That's it!!

Your super soft n yummy Flour idli is ready!!  Njjoyy with some hottt mutton kuzhambuuuu!!



1.The same batter can be used for Dosa too. But while spreading, be careful since the batter will be grainy. If you really need thin crispy dosa, just pulse the batter in a blender for a few mins and then spread it on tawa.

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