Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Homemade Black and White Urad Dal Flour


Hi all..Today's post is all about a basic ingredient, which is a must in my pantry unit to ease up my daily cooking, especially during the working weekdays..It's HOMEMADE URAD DAL FLOUR, both BLACK AND WHITE..You can make a plenty of healthy recipes with it, especially the breakfast recipes..This handy ingredient is the best alternative to ground urad dal batter, and saves a lot of time and energy as well..So, let's see how to make it..



Preparation Time:   5 mins + drying time

Cooking Time:  Nil


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]


Black urad dal - approx. 500 g

White urad dal - approx. 500 g





1. Take each of them in separate bowls.

2. Wash them twice (No need to soak before). Strain them well without water.

3. Take the required plates for spreading, and spread the dal on them evenly.

4. Keep the plates in terrace on a sunny day and sun dry for at least 6 hrs.

5. Spread the dal with your hands for 2 hrs once or as required, so that the sunlight falls on the plate evenly.

6.When you hear a perfect well dried sound from the dal when you drop it, it's ready.

7. Now, take both the dal separately in a blender, and powder them finely. When cooled, store them in glass containers. That's it!!

Your homemade black and white urad dal flour is ready!! Make plenty of recipes with it!! Njjoyy!!



1.You can also dry roast urad dal and powder it, but dry roasting changes the taste of the dal completely. So, I follow this method.

2. You can even spread the dal on clothes and dry them, but I find plates to be easy for washing. 

3. A single hot day is good enough to sun dry. But if you want, you can do it for a couple of days as well.

4. You can even grind in mills if making in large batches. However, small batches are preferable.

5. Black urad dal flour will be less smoothier than white urad dal flour. Even though it is good enough, if you need even more smoothier consistency, grind in mills.

6. This stays good for atleast 2-3 months.

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