Monday, May 10, 2021

Jack fruit Vattalappam


Well, Eid is nearing by dears..And how can an Eid be without a dessert? So, I have come up with a popular recipe of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu..It's Vattalappam!! And that too with Jack fruit!! Many of u r much familiar with Vattalappam, but I think u may not have tried it with Jack fruit..I assure it will be very very tasty..This one is very simple to make just like my usual recipes, except that u need to spend a little time with the coconut..But it is worth trying for sure..So, give it a try n let me know ur feedback frnz..



Preparation Time:   30 mins

Cooking Time:  20 - 30 mins per batch

Serves:  5-6 persons approx.


INGREDIENTS: [1 cup=250 ml]


Coconut -  1/2 

Water - 1.5 cups

Jack fruit - 2 cups (de seeded)

Cardamom - 4 

Whole Cashews - 10

Desi Egg - 6

Jaggery  - 1.5 cups

Ghee - for greasing




1. Grind the grated or chopped coconut with water. Extract the 1st thick coconut milk. Keep it aside.

2. In the same blender, add jack fruit, cardamom, cashews, and grind very well to a smooth paste.

3. Next, add the coconut milk little by little and grind well till you get a smooth consistency. Transfer it to a vessel, and add the remaining coconut milk. Whisk well.

4. Add the eggs and beat very well. Next, add the finely crushed or powdered jaggery and again whisk well.

5. Now, the mixture is ready. Keep it aside for 10 mins or more so that the jaggery impurities will settle at the bottom and you can remove them with a ladle.

6. Next, transfer the mixture to a ghee greased plate or tin, close it with another plate and then steam cook in an idli pot for 20-30 mins in medium flame. Insert a knife or toothpick and check if it comes out clean.

7. Remove the plate and allow it to cool. Trim the edges and invert to another plate. Slice or scoop and serve. That's it!!

Your super yummy Jack fruit Vattalappam is ready to be served!! Njjoyy!!



1. Instead of cashews, any nuts can be used.

2. Jaggery can be replaced with palm sugar/brown sugar.

3. Adjust jaggery according to the sweetness of the jack fruit.

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